Advertiser Insights

Author: Kathleen Johnson

Kathleen has worked in the travel and tourism industry since 2013, with most of that time spent honing her content expertise and tailoring solutions to individual clients. She holds a bachelor's degree in British literature, and master's degrees in Seventeenth Century British history and Conservation of Historic Objects. She's passionate about using language to effectively communicate and connect people. She's equally passionate about being an aunt to her nieces and nephews, traveling, all things British, and creating memories with her loved ones.

Bring on the cozy

Winter is coming; market your business to make memories

Winter is all about coming together with loved ones and making memories, enjoying the coziness of the season and all the warm, fuzzy feelings you can pack into your festivities.

Because your visitors are already thinking along those lines as

What makes food trucks an integral part of a destination’s dining experience?

Ahh, food trucks. How can a concept be so universally loved when every single example is so deliciously different?

Well, that’s the secret sauce (pun intended). Food trucks offer dining options that traditional

To get the inside scoop on the seafood cuisine of Jefferson Parish, DTN went straight to the source: Charlene Hale, Visit Jefferson Parish’s director of leisure and partner sales. A tremendous advocate for the tasty side of Jefferson Parish, Charlene answered all of our burning questions (and

Love your locals

Locals play a huge role in your success. They know your destination just like you do, they're considered unbiased experts by visitors, and visitors definitely sit up and take notice when a local leaves an online review for your business or shares their experience on social media. Lean into those

Every business has something that makes it stand out, something that sets it apart from all the other businesses in the area. We like to think of it as a fingerprint, something that only you’ve got to offer your visitors. Because it’s unique to you, highlight and celebrate it to drive your business